This is an amazing initiative we have supported over the last few years and we want to do more! Our club is large with many players that all support each other on the court so why not support each other, and our larger community off the court too!
Team Red’s goal is to unite groups and organisations like ours to create a powerful social movement. When you join Team Red you have the opportunity to help save lives with your friends and colleagues. People often think blood transfusions are reserved for people who have been in an accident. But really, the vast majority of blood products go towards helping those affected by cancer and serious illnesses, pregnant women, children and new-born babies. One single blood donation can help save the lives of up to three people.
That’s why they make it easy to fit donations around your work day. They can provide a complimentary shuttle service in main cities, keep an eye out for events we might run during the 2021 season.
How to join!
If you are giving blood yourself just say you are part of Team Red the FALCONS and DUNEDIN BASKETBALL TEAM. They will log this against us and we can see a record of how many donations we have made.
So far we have had 49 donations and we would love to aim for 100 by the end of the 2021 season!